

78 products
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Bamboo Beam Caramel Bamboo Beam Caramel
Bamboo Beam Caramel
Sale priceFrom €80,00
Balkonybar productshot1 Bamboo Balcony Bar
Bamboo Balcony Bar
Sale price€44,99
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Bamboe Border Zwart op rol - Product shot1 Bamboo Border Dark
Bamboo Border Dark
Sale price€42,99
Bamboe Border Naturel op rolBamboo Border Natural
Bamboo Border Natural
Sale price€26,99
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Bamboo TorchesBamboo Torches
Bamboo Torches
Sale price€9,99 Regular price€11,99
Bamboo Veneer Bamboo Veneer
Bamboo Veneer
Sale price€55,00
Bamboe Gevelplank Nano - Product shot1Bamboo Cladding Nano
Bamboe Gevelplank thermo - product shot3Bamboe Gevelplank thermo - product shot1
Bamboo Room Divider Bamboo Room Divider
Bamboo Room Divider
Sale price€140,00
Bamboe Lat Java (zwart) - Buitenzijde
Bamboo Slat Dark
Sale price€2,00
Bamboe Lat Tali (Naturel) - Buitenzijde
Bamboo Slat Natural
Sale priceFrom €2,89
Bamboo Fence Roll Budget NaturalBamboo Fence Roll Budget Natural
Bamboo Fence Roll Budget Natural
Sale priceFrom €25,99
Bamboo Fence Roll Deluxe Dark Bamboo Fence Roll Deluxe Dark
Bamboo Fence Roll Deluxe Dark
Sale priceFrom €75,00
Bamboo Fence Roll Deluxe Natural Bamboo Fence Roll Deluxe Natural
Bamboo Fence Roll Deluxe Natural
Sale priceFrom €75,00
Bamboo Fence Roll SplitBamboo Fence Roll Split
Bamboo Fence Roll Split
Sale priceFrom €9,99
Bamboemat Tonkin op rol - image Bamboo Fence Roll Half-round Dark
Bamboo Fence Roll Half-round Dark
Sale priceFrom €44,99
Bamboo Fence Roll Half-round NaturalBamboo Fence Roll Half-round Natural
Bamboo Fence Roll Half-round Natural
Sale priceFrom €29,99
Bamboo Fence Roll Regular Dark Bamboo Fence Roll Regular Dark
Bamboo Fence Roll Regular Dark
Sale priceFrom €46,99
Bamboo Fence Roll Regular NaturalBamboo Fence Roll Regular Natural
Bamboo Fence Roll Regular Natural
Sale priceFrom €54,99
Bamboe Stokken Guadua - 90-110mm Bamboo Pole Guadua
Bamboo Pole Guadua
Sale priceFrom €5,99
Bamboepalen Halfrond Zwart - Product shot1Bamboepalen Halfrond Zwart - Product shot3
Bamboo Pole Half-round Dark
Sale priceFrom €2,79
Bamboepalen Halfrond Naturel - Product shot1
Bamboo Pole Half-round Natural
Sale priceFrom €3,69
Bamboo Pole Java Dark Bamboo Pole Java Dark
Bamboo Pole Java Dark
Sale priceFrom €2,29
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Bamboo Pole Moso Bamboo Pole Moso
Bamboo Pole Moso
Sale priceFrom €1,09




Bamboo is one of the most underrated raw materials. Bamboo is sustainable, renewable, grows relatively quickly and its natural beauty makes it unique.


Bamboo is as strong as steel and has greater tensile strength. This is due to the hard surface and parallel fiber bundles of the bamboo stalks that are close together.


Bamboo has the advantage of being super elastic. It is so flexible that it returns to the starting position every time and does not deform after bending.


Thanks to its high stability, bamboo easily lasts a lifetime. Hence, bamboo is increasingly used in public spaces, construction and as decking/terrace boards and fences.

Compensate your co2 with

Bamboo credits

preservation of the

Bamboo forest

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with Bamboo Credits

you support local people and the preservation of flora and fauna


of new bambo
