Blogs about Bamboo

In the below, you'll find the best examples of bamboo applied in beautiful gardens, constructions, interiors, DIY projects and much more.
9 x Bamboe Kamerscherm toepassingen
Ideeën & Inspiratie

9 x Bamboo Room Screen Applications

Bamboo is perfect for use in your interior. Our customers are often enough creative themselves with bamboo poles, but we also sell room dividers ourselves. We have room dividers made of decorativ...
Onze rietproductie in China

Our cane production in China

We source our products from many parts of the world. Our reed products come from China. We get our reed mats and reed blinds from there. We often get messages from our suppliers showing how the pr...
Internationale dag van de Panda
Alles Over Bamboe

International Panda Day

Today is International Panda Day. A good excuse to take a look at giant pandas. Because pandas eat bamboo and we sell bamboo. Still, you don't have to worry about us being a danger to pandas. Beca...
Bamboe Badkamer: Natuurlijk en veelzijdig
Ideeën & Inspiratie

Bamboo bathroom: natural and versatile

Do you love natural materials? With a bathroom made of bamboo, you can create a relaxed and casual atmosphere. Whether you're completely remodeling your bathroom or just making a few adjustments: T...
Bamboe Theater voor Operavoorstellingen in Noordwijk

Bamboo Theater for Opera performances in Noordwijk

This mobile bamboo theater was designed by Studio Akkerhuis in 2017 for the opera performance Gestrand Verlangen by the Kunstklank Foundation. Stichting Kunstklank has been organizing performances ...
Bamboo Import Europe Investeert in Ontwikkelingslanden

Bamboo Import Europe Invests in Developing Countries.

At Bamboo Import we are always committed to our suppliers in Asia and South America. Our growth in recent years has meant that we have been able to invest more and more in our permanent foreign pa...
Bamboe Start-Finishboog voor Subaru Beach Battle

Bamboo Start-Finish Arch for Subaru Beach Battle

For the 3rd edition of the Subaru Beach Battle on the beach of Wijk aan Zee, we have built a special start-finish arch made of bamboo. This finish arch, which can also be used as an honor arch or ...
Imposante Bamboe Beursstand Blikvanger op Masters of LXRY

Imposing Bamboo Exhibition Stand Eye-catcher at Masters of LXRY

For the fifteenth edition of Masters of LXRY at Amsterdam's RAI, the former Millionaire Fair, Bamboo Import was able to build a unique black bamboo booth. During the opening night on December 8, 2...
Bamboe Steigers voor Dutch Design Week 2016

Scaffolding made of bamboo for Dutch Design Week

Bamboo is omnipresent at the 15th edition of Dutch Design Week. Inspired by bamboo scaffolding from Hong Kong, design agency HeyHeydeHaas has built an impressive bamboo scaffolding on the Ketelh...
Hoe wordt Bamboe Composiet gemaakt?
Alles Over Bamboe

How is bamboo composite made?

Bamboo is a renewable resource that has become one of the most important alternatives to tropical hardwoods in recent years. When you see bamboo flooring, kitchen cabinets or cutting boards, you m...
Bamboe Hangmat Standaard voor Festivals en Evenementen

Bamboo Hammock Stand for Festivals and Events

A bamboo hammock stand for festivals, parties and events has been thought up by 4 Little Birds from Amstelveen. The unique concept has proven to be a great success in the past festival season. The...
Loveland Festival pakt uit met Uniek Bamboe Podium

Loveland Festival unpacks with Unique Bamboo Stage

For the 2016 edition of Loveland Festival in Amsterdam's Sloterpark, the designers and organizers went all out with a unique bamboo stage. We had already seen the first designs in April, but the ...