Frequently Asked Questions


The delivery time depends on the products you order and your delivery address. The estimated delivery time is indicated per product. If you order multiple products with different delivery times, please use the longest indicated delivery time. Almost all orders are delivered within 7 working days after payment. If a product in your order is not in stock, your order will not be shipped until it is complete.

Yes. We have been delivering all our products in the Benelux for years. (The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg) and now we also deliver throughout Europe. The shipping costs differ per order. This has to do with the quantity and size of the product. If a product cannot be ordered online we are happy to contact you to discuss this. At what phone number or email address can we contact you?

You will receive a confirmation by e-mail when the order will be delivered, if you have not received this we would like to know your order number and we will contact you to discuss this. At what phone number or email address can we contact you?ke

Not at home? Then the package (if possible) will be delivered to your (front) garden or to your neighbors. You will receive a bill in your mailbox with more information about where the order was delivered.

From the moment of ordering, the order can be picked up in our showroom during our opening hours. Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:30 & Saturday from 09:00 to 15:00.

We carry the sizes listed with the product on the website. We have no other sizes that can be supplied.

We can offer custom quotes for larger orders. We would be happy to contact you to discuss this. At what phone number or email address can we contact you?

Please provide us with your order number so we can check it and contact you to discuss it. What phone number or e-mail address can we contact you at?

You can cancel an order in your Bamboo Import account. Cancellation is only possible if the order has not yet left our warehouse. Has your order already been shipped? Then you can refuse it at the door or return it after receipt. In that case, please register your return via the online return request form.

You can see for yourself if a product is in stock. The stock status and available quantity is shown at the product page on our website.

Bamboo Import Europe gives warranty on a part of its assortment. Look at the products. Of course, in case of problems or complaints, you can contact the sales department and we will always try to solve this nicely.

Please provide us with your order number so we can check it. You can let us know via our contact form.

Shipping costs are different for each order, it depends on the type of product, size and quantity. You can see the exact shipping costs of your order when entering the order.

While we would like to provide full service to everyone, unfortunately we cannot bring products upstairs or inside. We deliver next to the car/front door.

Return & Trade-In

Log in with the e-mail address, which you used when ordering (top right in the menu bar).

You will receive a code sent to your e-mail address, enter this code on our website.

You will then be taken to your personal page, with an overview of all your orders. There you can choose what you want to return per order.

Choose your product, enter the reason and request a return.

Please provide us with your order number so we can check and then we will contact you to discuss this. Please fill in the form here.

You can change or cancel your return by responding to the email you receive with the shipping appointment for the return of your order.

Would you like to exchange a product for another item, for example because you prefer a different size or color? Then that counts as a new order.

You return your old order within 14 days and place your new order in our webshop.

You will have to pay the shipping costs again.

If a product needs to be exchanged due to an error on our part or due to a defect, the shipping costs will of course be for our account.

As soon as we receive and process your return, we will refund you. How quickly you receive the refund depends on your payment method. We always pay within 3 business days after processing your return.

Is the amount still not in your account after 5 working days? Please contact us about this.

Shipping costs will be refunded only if all Products are returned.

Need any help?

View our manuals here

Bamboo is easy to cut, however, we recommend using a sharp saw with a fine blade for this purpose. For the bamboo screens, sticks and mats, we also offer a bamboo saw. This saw is not suitable for the sheet material.

For placement of our products, you can contact another company called The Garden Manager (085-0600010 /

Please provide us with your order number so we can check it and contact you to discuss it.

You can report your complaint using this form.

If you wish to become a business customer, first create a general account on our website. Then you can apply for a business account.

We will review this application and convert it upon approval. Depending on the amount you spend with us, you may be able to order on our website with a business discount.

Check out our maintenance page.


All the manuals can be found here.

Bamboo Flooring

Bamboo Floor Forest: 30 years
Bamboo Floor Classy: 30 years
Bamboo Floor Industrial: 30 years
Bamboo Floor Forest: 20 years
Bamboo Floor Classy: 20 years
Bamboo Floor Industrial: 20 years
Daily cleaning is enough
We don’t have standard skirting boards, you can buy them according to your own preference.
No more treatment necessary. The flooring is painted with good waterproof effect. In addition, the spelling seam has a wax coating which is waterproof.
Bamboo Floor Industrial  is impregnated with phenolic resin. Bamboo Floor Classy and Bamboo Floor Forest  are not impregnated