Blogs about Bamboo

In the below, you'll find the best examples of bamboo applied in beautiful gardens, constructions, interiors, DIY projects and much more.
12x Bamboe Wandbekleding en Wanddecoratie Ideeën
Ideeën & Inspiratie

12x Bamboo wall coverings and wall decorations.

Bamboo wall coverings create a unique atmosphere in the apartment or on the terrace. Bamboo wall decorations are also a modern and environmentally conscious alternative for decorating stores and o...
Luxe Bamboe Tenten van Mocadazu

Luxury Bamboo Tents

This semi-permanent bamboo bungalow tent is specially designed for luxury resorts such as hotels, resorts or nature reserves. The combination of bamboo and tarp offers a great solution for altern...
Bamboe Gevelbekleding voor Parkeergarage in Amsterdam

Bamboo facade for parking garage in Amsterdam

Unique bamboo facade for the parking garage of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Slotervaart Medical Centre and Sanquin Blood Bank in Amsterdam. The impressive bamboo parking garage of the Sloterva...
Bamboe Gevelbekleding parkeergarage in Den Haag

Bamboo parking garage in The Hague

Bamboo Import, in collaboration with Ballast Nedam Parking, was commissioned earlier this year to supply the bamboo cladding for the new parking garage in The Hague. The unique design was realized ...
Bamboe Plafond in het Meander Medisch Centrum Amersfoort

Bamboo Ceiling in the Meander Medical Center Amersfoort

The hospital in Amersfoort has paid great attention to sustainability in the building. Bamboo Import has produced a 1,000 m2 bamboo ceiling for this hospital. You can admire this ceiling in the ce...
Donkere Bamboeschermen in Keukenhof

Dark Bamboo Fences at Keukenhof

Keukenhof is the international and independent show garden of the Dutch ornamental horticulture and attracts many visitors every year. In collaboration with Klein Schiphorst, Bamboo Import designe...